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There's not much time left, to sign up and be among the privileged to take advantage of a tool that will save you up to several days of work per month.

Test WP Deployer now for free!

Enjoy a full year's use of all our services, sign up in seconds by filling in the form below. This introductory offer is unconditional and non-binding, so what are you waiting for?

Temps gagné

Time saving

from 75% to 98% savings in your deployment time


Reliability, quality

Prevent and manage conflict, avoid human error



Your deployment in two clicks, CI / CD compliant



Experts to help you every day

User profiles

Utilisateur Freelance


Boost your online presence with our solution for freelancers and bloggers.
Utilisateur Agence


Streamline your web project management with our agency-ready platform.
Utilisateur DSI


Simplify the management of your company's websites with our integrated solution for CIOs.

Control your WordPress deployments in real time with WP Deployer!

But how does it work?

Optimally connected directly to the WordPress 'live' site, WP Deployer is able to track each and every piece of content and site configuration. This means that it can detect any conflicts (changes made simultaneously on the live site and in development) and help you resolve them. And of course, its intelligent export system allows you to import any content or configuration that has been changed or added.

how it works

Conflict management and mergers

Before exporting or importing deployment packages, WP Deployer makes it easy for you to view conflicts: if a change has been made simultaneously on your live site and the same content or configuration, WP Deployer detects it and lets you view these changes as well as accept / reject or merge the changes.
conflict management

Direct delivery, zip or CLI, choose the method that suits you best

Three methods are available depending on your development method. Send your deployment package in one click directly to your live site, or manually upload a zip archive. For continuous deployment and Git enthusiasts, script your deployment through the command line.

Types of use

Utilisation Site E-commerce


Increase your online sales: Specialised e-commerce solution.
Utilisation Usine à Site

Site factory

Automate site creation with our dedicated site factory platform.
Utilisation Site Vitrine

Showcase site

Easily create and manage your website with our solution tailored to the needs of minimalist websites.

Don't hesitate!

Manage your deployments with ease. Still hesitating?
Our expert team is here, if you need us. You can easily contact us via support.