WP Deployer 1.0.0
( 28-Jan-2025 )
1.0.0 release! Thank you for using WP Deployer!
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta11
( 17-Dec-2024 )
Enhancement : WPD-415: the export and import bundle content listings will now use the appropriate deployment configuration to have a better comparison experience. The tracker config mismatch status should not appear anymore.
Enhanced the export-import system to reduce tracker config mismatches.
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta10
( 16-Dec-2024 )
Bugfix : Fixed initial plugin activation failure.
Fixed plugin activation failure.
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta9
( 10-Dec-2024 )
3rd-party compatibility : WPD-434: disabled the tracking triggers during the WP CLI search-replace command.
Enhancement : WPD-434: Importer optimizations (fewer DB calls).
User interface : WPD-415: enhanced status display in export page.
Bugfix : Fixed UUID generation error on posts tracking.
Bugfix : Fixed export when an empty bundle is expected to be built.
Performance fixes for the WP CLI search-replace command. Import/Export fixes. Post UUID generation fixes. UI enhancements.
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta8
( 03-Dec-2024 )
Enhancement : Due to configuration changes, a refresh must be performed (Updates > Refresh the deployment config). Please backup your configuration / DB if needed before updating.
Enhancement : On activation, WP Deployer now assigns a fake date to the indexed items so that they are not shown in the export / import pages. Indeed, on activation, we must assign items a track date, but due to the fact that they are not modified yet, they will get assigned a similar track date. By assigning a fake date, we prevent the user from selecting a date that may trigger an export / import page rendering failure due to too many listed items. As an exception, posts (and their postmeta) will get their modification date (post_modified_gmt) assigned as their track date; this will help support more activation scenarios, such as the one when the posts to deploy have already been created before the WP Deployer activation.
Enhancement : WP Deployer now supports the install scenario when posts to deploy have already been contributed before WP Deployer activation. WP Deployer will attempt to find the latest matching post (article, page, menu, anything in the posts table) between dev and prod instances, and assign all the previous* posts the same UUID if a combination of values match (ID, post_date_gmt, guid, post_type). (*: previous by ID, not date.)
Enhancement : When changing the production instance URL in the settings, WP Deployer now re-tracks (re-indexes) all the local items from scratch. This is required because WP Deployer has to match the local items with the items on the newly declared production environment.
Fixes and enhancements for specific install scenarios
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta7
( 25-Nov-2024 )
Bugfix : WPD-422: Fixed assets and various file loading errors due to non-default file structure. Fixed crash (error 500) on activation.
Fixes for sites with a file structure different from the default one + fixed crash on activation.
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta6
( 18-Nov-2024 )
User interface : Optimized the buliding of the support button for faster loadings + minor appearance changes.
Optimized support button handling.
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta5
( 14-Nov-2024 )
User interface : Major update for the advanced config page.
Enhancement : Added integrated support UI.
Major UI updates
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta4
( 30-Sep-2024 )
Bugfix : beta4: fixed the advanced settings form crash due to invalid active_plugins option.
Fixed an UI crash when a third party active plugin has its code inaccessible.
WP Deployer 1.0.0-beta3
( 23-Sep-2024 )
Bugfix : beta3: fixed windows compatibility for bundle prod retrieval.
Enhancement : Various minor user experience enhancements on specific cases: messages, redirections.
Windows compatibility fixes. UI UX enhancements.