What's the point? + -

Finally, WP Deployer lets you deploy modifications from a development environment (for example) to the live site, embedding exactly the desired elements and with a conflict detection and management system in the event of simultaneous modifications in development and production!

Is it already available? + -

WP Deployer is currently in the private test phase. Contact us if you're a WordPress expert and want to be among the first to test the solution for free! Check out the timer on the home page to find out when the solution will be released!

Do you plan to use a stand? + -

Of course you can! A support is provided for people who are connected. Depending on the plan, different types of support will be provided to best meet the various challenges of each!

Is it easy to use? + -

That's right! We've specially designed the plugin to be usable by everyone!

How compatible is the plugin? + -

The plugin has been designed to work regardless of installed plugins. Some configuration may be required to interface with older versions of plugins, exotic plugins or your own developments. All it takes is a few clicks in the back office!